Oscar's blood work shows liver disease

This is a follow up to my first post about Oscar. I just received his blood work from our vet appointment two days ago.

Oscar’s liver enzymes are elevated enough that it is considered diseased. It is not known if the mass is attached to his liver, but if it is it cannot be removed. If it isn’t, there is hope to help him. We will wake up early tomorrow morning to return to the vet for an ultrasound and biopsy done with a needle. His tummy will be shaved and he may need to be sedated just slightly. That heated bed I bought him last summer is coming in handy, he sleeps in it all day and will love it for his poor bare tummy tomorrow.

If you’ve met Oscar, you know he’s the sweetest cat you’ll ever meet. He literally will not hurt a fly, but he likes to watch them 🙂 The only time he might hurt you is when he looks into your eyes, meows, and reaches out to you with his paw. As he rests his paw on your arm, begging for love, his claw sometimes pokes the skin. Painful but oh, so cute.

The biopsy will be sent to the lab, so another few days of waiting is upon us. After that, we will likely be sent to specialists, and I do fear the cost of that. If you read part one you’ll see that just his x-ray and blood work cost a week’s pay.

If you are able to help at all with Oscar’s medical fund, here are a few options:

  • Purchase something for yourself, for your own pet, or a pet lover at GoFetchGifts.com. At this time, any potential profit will go to Oscar’s care.
  • Simply view my articles at examiner.com. Consider subscribing or clicking on an ad while you’re there. I make a few cents each time someone reads one of my posts!
  • Hug your cat and give him or her some canned food. It is SO much healthier than dry food, and Oscar would not have lived this long without it.

2 thoughts on “Oscar's blood work shows liver disease”

  1. Oh Leigh, poor poor Oscar kitty! I am so sorry to hear you guys are suffering, he is so lucky to have a Mommy like you to give him such sweet and loving care. You are both in our thoughts and our hearts reach out to strengthen yours during this tough tough time. I love you so much and as a fellow cat LOVER I feel your pain with you very deeply honey, please keep me updated and I will talk to you soon. Take care and stay positive, we send our healthy, healing energy to you and your beautiful Oscar!

    1. Thank you so much Tammy. Got your msg today while at work, thanks for calling, so sweet of you.

      Oscar has been eating so good until this morning, he did not want breakfast 🙁 Today I should hear back about what the biopsy shows.

      It’s hard no matter how you lose a pet. I feel for you, having such little warning with sweet fat Joe kitty. I have time to prepare mentally, but I have time to worry as well…to stress…to make decisions that may or may not help him…to have to decide how much money am I willing and able to spend? But, we do the best we can…they gave us so many wonderful years 🙂

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