Oscar is gone

My Oscar left this morning at 4:30 am. He had perfect timing. I had two shows with my band this weekend and today I have off so I can deal with things.

I came home from my job last night at 1:30 am. Oscar didn’t come to the door so I went to find him laying on the ground. I petted him, he cried, and I knew it was time.

My first emotion was actually that of relief because I knew this would be coming soon and my poor boy was down from 9 pounds to 5. Unfortunately it took him three hours to finally go.  I layed there the whole time. I really wanted him to go at home, not in the car or on a vet table. But after 3 hours I started to stress because I didn’t know how much of this he was feeling. He appeared to have a stroke.

I got up to look up the directions to the vet so we could just start driving there, and that moment he left. I don’t know why he left the minute I walked out of the room. Maybe it was because of my stress. My boyfriend told me he was gone. I walked back in and his eyes were closed, ears down. I petted him and his eyes opened, ears went back up, and I felt his body go limp. We drove him to a vet to hold onto him. A cremation service will pick him up for an individual cremation.

I knew this was going to happen, but not today. For the past 3 days he was purring and cuddling in bed, two things he hadn’t done for weeks or months. I don’t know if it was because he knew it was coming, or because of the holistic laser acupuncture and fluids he received last week.
Mr Blue sniffed Oscar so he knows. Charlie saw him, he kinda ran away. Neither seem phased. Charlie has been waiting to be an only cat again for 12 years.

Oscar was already an angel. I’m glad he’s there now and not here being skinny and in pain. I know everyone says their pet was the best, but Oscar really was. I saw him watching a fly once. He litterally wouldn’t hurt it.

Oscar was my boy –
Oct 1997 – Aug 9, 2009

8 thoughts on “Oscar is gone”

  1. I am so sorry to hear about Oscar. My heart goes out to you at this moment. However, don’t be sad, as Oscar would not want you to be sad….be happy that he is not hurting anymore.
    I will say prayers for you, and your boyfriend too. Rest in peace, Oscar.

  2. I am so sorry about your loss of sweet Oscar. But you gave him a wonderful life, and he left if with the person he loved. He was a fortunate kitty.

    Oscar is the second kitty I know of to go over the Rainbow Bridge today. They will be healthy and playing on the other side, waiting for us.

    My prayers for you and yours.

  3. OMg Leigh I am so late in getting here but I am SO SORRY,. You are in my thoughts and prayers. We just lost our dear 19-yr-old boy Nickodemus last week, something is going around it seems…

    My best thoughts and prayers, please let me know if you need anything at all Leigh okay?


  4. Pingback: Treating feline asthma safely and AFFORDABLY with Flovent and Aeorkat inhaled asthma treatment for cats | Cat Lovers | Fun & Frolic for Dog and Cat Lovers

  5. Hello,
    I know it has been a while, but…still wanted to say I am sorry about Oscar’s passing. 🙁
    Recently, our sweet boy was diagnosed with a huge mass that was pushing against his stomach and several vital organs. Long story short, we chose to let him go. We didn’t have any extensive testing done. I have been struggling with my decision. Wondering if I jumped the gun too soon. I know that I can’t go back, but it is eating me up. Wondering if I let my boy down.
    Anyway… I found your blog when looking for more information. THANK YOU for sharing your story and struggles concerning Oscar. Your story has brought me some peace. I believe I did make the right decision.

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